Macrobiotic Gems - Tofu Part 2 | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today?
Macrobiotic jewels - Tofu cheese - Cvijeta Mesić - Recipes and Cookbook online

macrobiotic-gems-tofu-cheese-Flowers-of-the-month-recipes-and-cookbook-online-02We need protein for strength and muscle maintenance. The question is how much protein is enough for us or when we take too much of it. For example, we still don't know the exact explanation why someone needs more protein to feel strong and healthy. It means that the need for proteins is individual and depends on our lifestyle, activity level and needs. Meat and other animal products are the most popular sources of protein in modern society. But they quickly break down and become toxic, creating poisons in our body as a result. Toxins accumulate in the bloodstream and various organs and tissues, and as a result we feel weak and tired, with clogged arteries and circulation. Too much protein, especially animal protein, has an even more serious effect when we know that calcium is needed to break down protein. That means, the more protein we consume, the more calcium our body takes from the bones, so our bones become weaker and more porous.

The question arises where is the best place to get the protein we all need, especially if we are vegetarians. Did you know that there is protein in everything you eat, except fruit? Did you know that plants are the original source of protein on earth? Think about it. Cows eat grass. From my personal experience, as a vegetarian for over twenty years, I can say that I feel perfectly fine without animal protein. Various types of beans, fish and seafood (for those who consume them), soy products - tofu and tempeh, are a sufficient source of protein. Tofu is a food that has many benefits for the human body, as we said in the first part of the story about tofu. It can be prepared in countless ways to enrich our menu and meet our daily protein intake needs.

Cvijeta Mesić - actress and macrobiotic - Recipes and Cookbook online


Cvijeta MesicAuthorized instructor macrobiotic cooking by School of Healing Arts, San Diego, USA