Macrobiotic jewels - Tofu - by Cvijeta Mesić | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today?

macrobiotic-gems-tofu-cheese-Flower-of-the-month-recipes-and-cookbook-onlineSoybeans are said to be among the oldest crops cultivated by man since the dawn of civilization. Soy contains about 35% protein, more than any other unprocessed plant or animal food, and it is also special in terms of quality: soy protein contains all eight essential amino acids usable by the human body. Today it is generally known that there are no essential differences between vegetable and animal proteins. And soybeans do not contain cholesterol, they do not contain the relatively indigestible saturated fat found in most animal foods, and they are very low in calories.

The most famous soy products are tofu, miso (fermented soy paste) and shoyu (natural soy sauce). While miso paste and shoyu are still more protein additions to meals, tofu is a food that can be used as one of the pillars of a healthy diet, in the same way that meat and dairy products are used as a regular diet. From the body's point of view, the protein that tofu has is no different than the protein that chicken has.

While many high-protein foods, such as meat, dairy products or beans can cause people to have digestive problems, tofu is very easily digestible, much more so than cooked soybeans. That is why it can be an excellent food for babies, elderly people and, as we have already mentioned, for those who have problems with digestion. Phyto estrogen from tofu is very suitable for menopausal women.

Tofu is also an ideal diet food because it does not contain many calories. It can be used in countless ways: in soups, sandwiches, salads, fried, baked in the oven, as a spread, used to make cakes, etc... which all depends on the imagination and creativity of the cook.

Cvijeta Mesić - actress and macrobiotic - Recipes and Cookbook online


Cvijeta MesicAuthorized instructor macrobiotic cooking by School of Healing Arts, San Diego, USA