Macrobiotic plate - by Cvijeta Mesić - Markobiotika | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today?

Macrobiotic plate - abundance and variety of foods

Healthy eating, generally speaking, is a very broad term and has various interpretations, depending on what information we come across, what we need, how we look at the world and nature, etc... A complete diet, which I consider healthy, includes, above all, living foods , that is, those foods that are abundant in living energy. What it means? This means that cereal seeds will germinate if we put them in water, so we will get sprouts, or for example, onions will germinate if they stand longer, etc.

cooking-whole-grain-rice-Flower-Mesic-pngTherefore, a healthy diet is full of living energy, which is then transferred to us. In this sense, macrobiotics is the principle of energy-based nutrition. The energy, chi or ki or electromagnetic force, that creates the cosmos, the earth, us.

A healthy, whole food diet is very diverse and consists of grains, beans and legumes, vegetables and fruits, various types of pickles, spices, quality sweeteners and fats, fish and seafood. The proportions depend on the personal state of health, needs, state of consciousness, goals we have.

At the center of the macrobiotic diet are whole grains. Whole means that their membrane has not been removed, i.e. fibers and bran, (they are not refined), thus retaining most of their nutrients. Their energy is extremely strong and balanced. Barley, millet, oats, rice, wheat, rye, corn, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, wholegrain noodles, wholegrain breads, tortillas, etc.

Beans and legumes provide us with protein, complex carbohydrates and other essential nutrients. More importantly, they provide us with slow-burning energy, which means it keeps us alive throughout the day. There are many types of beans that we use: azuki, lentils, soy and its products, tofu and tempeh, dry peas, chickpeas, white beans, pinto, fava, etc., depending on the taste, the climate in which we grew up or our personal needs.

Fish and seafood are, according to modern research, valid sources of B12 for vegetarians, as well as protein, omega 3 and other vital ingredients.

Vegetables are so varied, that sometimes I think that I don't have enough meals to take advantage of this abundance. Leafy - broccoli flowers, green parts of carrots, radishes, daikon; Chinese cabbage, radish, dandelion, kale, leek, various salads, parsley, scallions, Swiss chard, etc. Round - Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, celery, peas, various types of pumpkins, mushrooms, zucchini, sweet potatoes and more. Roots - burdock, carrot, parsnip, daikon and the like.

Sea vegetables - wakame, arame, nori, hijiki, etc. provide us with an abundance of vitamins and minerals.

Soups, although they do not belong to certain food groups, are a very important part of the meal, they relax the digestive tract, help digestion and give us a feeling of relaxation and centering.

Fruits and desserts are an important part of a healthy diet. In the continental climate in which we live (like most of humanity anyway), the most suitable are apples, pears, apricots, peaches, grapes, berries, melons, plums and other things that thrive in this climate. We make sweets from various wholemeal flours, with soy milk, rice milk, etc., nuts and seeds (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds), sweetened with maltex, rice malt, maple syrup, sugar-free jams, etc.

Condiments and additions to dishes can make a meal even more delicious (or ruin it). These are the secret ingredients we use in small quantities, which can really change the taste of any dish: miso, fresh or dry spices (basil, thyme, turmeric, marjoram, rosemary, curry, etc.), rice vinegar, ginger, mustard , chili peppers, garlic, olive and sesame oil, unrefined sea salt, soy sauce, umeboshi plum vinegar, etc.

As you can see from the above - the abundance and variety of foods are just waiting for our creativity, imagination and desire to make our life healthier, happier and finally balanced. That's how we help ourselves and those around us, and then that energy spreads further, all over the planet. I'm sure we can contribute to global energy changes, but of course we have to start by changing ourselves. As I have said before, nourishing others and ourselves is the most sublime of all art forms in our life. At least that's what I think and feel!

Cvijeta Mesić - actress and macrobiotic - Recipes and Cookbook online


Cvijeta MesicAuthorized instructor macrobiotic cooking by School of Healing Arts, San Diego, USA