Watermelon and strawberry juice - Recipes and Cookbook online
Watermelon and strawberry juice - Image courtesy of [by markuso] at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Extremely refreshing watermelon juice

Watermelon and strawberry juice is an indispensable variant of refreshment on hot summer days. Consumption of watermelon is recommended for everyone, due to its composition, rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C,...). The strawberries in this juice, in addition to the mentioned types of B vitamins, also add B9, as well as E and K vitamins. Both fruits are rich in numerous minerals.

Adding coconut water (the liquid from the young coconut) adds an excellent source of energy, which increases stamina and improves immunity. It is recommended for athletes and everyone who works hard, as an indispensable part of the daily menu, for recovery from hard training or everyday activities.

Instead of drinks, full of artificial colors, sweeteners and other harmful ingredients, by using watermelon, strawberry and coconut water, you get an ideal combination for refreshment and energy boost.

Watermelon and strawberry juice, ingredients:

  • 2 cups watermelon, sliced
  • 5 pieces of strawberries, frozen
  • 1/2 cup coconut water
  • fresh basil leaves
  • fresh mint leaves

Watermelon and strawberry juice, preparation:

  • Add the diced watermelon, frozen strawberries and coconut juice to the blender. Add a few leaves of fresh basil and fresh mint. Process until you get a uniform mass.
  • Serve the juice chilled, garnished with a strawberry and a watermelon cube.

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