BKTVnews-This is how we all sit and it causes at least four health problems-pixabay
BKTVnews-This is how we all sit and it causes at least four health problems-Pixabay

[BKTV news]

In an ideal world and in an ideal workplace, you would sit with both feet flat on the ground and your knees perpendicular to the floor.

However, the reality is much different and many of you spend your days sitting in extremely inappropriate and extremely unhealthy positions. Crossed legs are one of them, and these are unintended consequences.

BKTVnews-This is how we all sit and it causes at least four health problems-pixabay
BKTVnews-This is how we all sit and it causes at least four health problems-Pixabay

1. Causes back and neck pain

Sitting with your legs crossed, you will almost certainly experience problems related to back and neck pain over time because this way of sitting puts your hips in an inverted position. Sitting cross-legged creates unnecessary pressure on the back and cervical spine - which increases the possibility of pain in those areas.

"Days, months and even years of such sitting will inevitably cause certain problems", claims orthopedist Vivian Eisenstadt, for Yahoo Health and adds that whenever possible, you should sit with your feet flat and your knees bent at 90 degrees.

2. Causes problems with varicose veins

Although until recently there was a common opinion that it was sitting crossed legs are responsible for the appearance of leg veins, the reality is actually different.

Although they do not cause them, crossed legs can and will worsen existing problems with veins because sitting in this way increases the pressure on the veins and weakens the circulation.

3. Affects blood pressure

It sounds incredible, but sitting with your legs crossed can cause your blood pressure to spike.

Of course, this problem will not occur if you do not otherwise have a problem with pressure or only sometimes sit with your legs crossed, but frequent repetition will certainly lead to an increase in blood pressure because this way of sitting makes it difficult for the blood to flow smoothly, the consequences of which can be different - more or less drastic .

4. Decreased circulation and appearance of cellulite

Like any other position in which we stay for a long time, crossed legs will lead to a decrease in circulation, which is also responsible for the appearance of cellulite!

As sitting is difficult to avoid and has become a part of everyday life for many people, remember to use your free time for outdoor activities: walking, running or cycling - in order to reduce the unwanted consequences of prolonged sitting.

Source: www.bktvnews.com

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