BKTVnews - He spilled a bottle of hot tea at -40 and got something amazing!
BKTVnews - He spilled a bottle of hot tea at -40 and got something amazing!

[BKTV news]

Just 20 km south of the Arctic, in a place that receives only two hours of sunlight per day during the winter, one guy managed to capture a sight never seen before. He spilled a bottle of hot tea at -40 and got something amazing!

When he decided to spill the thermos with tea at a temperature that reached as low as -40C, he had no idea what kind of scene he would find.

However, this intention was planned for a long time.

The desire of photographer Michael Davies took him to the peak where the sun shone the strongest, and to which it took 45 minutes by car in heavy snow.

Nothing was left to chance when capturing this photo. The temperature is monitored minute by minute, the wind strength as well, the fall of the sun's rays at a certain angle and, of course, many bottles of hot tea.

In the end, he accidentally spilled the thermos with hot liquid and took a photo he never dreamed of.

The liquid turned into sharp ice that formed a circle around him, the sun's rays breaking through the circle in the middle.

BKTVnews - He spilled a bottle of hot tea at -40 and got something amazing!
BKTVnews – He spilled a bottle of hot tea at -40 and got something amazing!

Although he had no idea that he would ever make a photo that the world would talk about, he now admires his experiment, which, by all accounts, succeeded.

Source: www.bktvnwes.com, the latest news from the country and the world, click HERE to see the full text >>>

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