Serotonin - hormone of happiness - by Toni Radić | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today? 2

Serotonin - the hormone of happiness - by Toni Radić

serotonin-hormone-happiness-by-Toni-Radic-innovative-cook-recipes-and-cook-onlineSerotonin or as it is also called, the hormone of happiness and pleasure, which relieves sad and depressed mood. As soon as its concentration in the brain drops, people become sadder, and a very low level leads to suicidal thoughts. Antidepressant therapy increases serotonin concentration and depression disappears. Seratonin also has other effects: it reduces tension, dispels fear, reduces appetite, eliminates aggression (both towards oneself and towards others, research in prison has shown).


 What exactly is serotonin?

Serotonin is a complex protein compound that cannot be taken in ready form through food or pills. Our brain builds this complex compound from an amino acid called tryptophan and vitamin Be-6 with the help of daylight. To put it in construction language: the wall is serotonin, the bricks are tryptophan, and the mortar that holds those bricks together is Be-6, which is found in food, and whose intake stimulates the increase of serotonin, the synthesis of which is impossible without sunlight. Which is confirmed by the fact that when autumn days, fogs and clouds come, we feel sad, depressed. And as soon as the sun shines, we are immediately in a better mood.

There is tryptophan and vitamin Be-6 in: whole grains (white flour products without the cover and germ do not contain tryptophan in the germ or vitamin Be-6 in the cover), bananas, honey and pollen, almonds, stone fruits, seeds pumpkin, soy (especially tofu cheese) and legumes..

It is important to say that meat prevents the synthesis of seratonin because it inhibits the entry of tryptophan into the brain. The more pork fat in the diet, the greater the tendency to depression.

A plant that stimulates the synthesis of serotonin and thus reduces sad mood, fear and tension is St. John's wort - it has been observed that it regulates sleep disorders when someone goes out of the rhythm of day and night. That's why those who work at night should drink St. John's wort in tablet form, maybe a milder tea, and they will return to the rhythm of day and night. This medicinal plant eliminates complaints when a person feels pressured by something and feels a reaction on our body.

Another brain hormone or group of hormones is endorphin.

The human brain has the ability to synthesize substances similar to morphine preparations and with a similar effect. Internal morphine preparations lead to: euphoria and a state of bliss, physical pleasure, relieve pain, strengthen the immune system, close the blood vessels of the heart and brain, which thus receive more oxygen and food. That's why doctors advise walking because it leads to the creation of endorphins. It is important to point out that enorphine and serotonin reduce appetite.

Honey, apples, almond

Physical activity is a powerful stimulator of melatonin synthesis. One hour of intense physical activity increases its synthesis two to three times. Unfortunately, the modern lifestyle leaves less and less time for exercise and physical activity.

Unlike serotonin and endorphins, melatonin is also found in some foods, mostly in oats, it is also found in other cereals, but much less. The Nordics have the most oats in their diet, because there are polar nights and the least amount of sun. It is not surprising that the "northern people" are tall and rugged, because melatonin stimulates the synthesis of bones and the increase of muscle mass.

When it comes to foods, ginger also contains melatonin, as do tomatoes and bananas. Melatinin is also found in St. John's wort, which is why it is recommended against insomnia and as an antidepressant. Apart from the mentioned foods, it has a direct effect on mood, just like other foods.

Honey removes mental fatigue, especially if taken with lemon or grapefruit. It is useful to take a spoonful of honey in the morning as soon as you get up or when doing some heavy exhausting work. So not coffee, but lemonade with honey! Honey in tea with lemon balm or lemon balm reduces tension and increases concentration, and eliminates insomnia if taken with valerian or lemon balm tea. One does not have to remember how what works, it is important to take honey tomorrow morning and with honey, for example, pollen that removes mental fatigue, increases concentration, promotes a pleasant mood, raises blood pressure and accelerates circulation. Pollen is doping for our body and mental processes, and it would be much better to take it instead of morning coffee - advises the doctor.

Due to its composition and the phosphate it contains, the apple has been declared the best food for the brain. If someone wants his brain to work well, let him take apples, two for breakfast and two for dinner, along with everything else he eats.

Almonds also affect our mental processes. They increase concentration and memory, stimulate proper brain function and promote a pleasant mood. They are especially recommended for students and children, for those who use computers and for intense intellectual and mental activities. Almonds not only act as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but also contain fatty acids that build the brain and allow it to work much faster. Hazelnuts and walnuts are also good, but almonds have more fat. The best is pressed, although it can also be baked, but with the skin.


By Toni Radić, creatively innovative chef