Spices that prevent flatulence - Tips - Ana Vuletić | Recipes & Cookbook Online - What should I cook today?
Spices that prevent flatulence - Ana Vuletić - Tips - Recipes and cookbook online

Can spices prevent bloating?

Anti-bloating spices – whenever you're making some heavier food or dish with onions, usually it causes bloating and can create a heavy feeling in the stomach that will make us skip a meal.

Spices that prevent flatulence - Ana Vuletić - Tips - Recipes and cookbook online
Spices that prevent flatulence - Ana Vuletić - Tips - Recipes and cookbook online

Exists one easy way to prevent it.

When frying or stewing onions and similar foods, you can always add a pinch of mint or thyme, and if by any chance you don't have them, you can add them baking soda, will have the same effect.

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