BKTV news - Practice yoga 20 minutes a day and say goodbye to cellulite - Pixabay
BKTV news - Practice yoga 20 minutes a day and say goodbye to cellulite - Pixabay

If you are one of those women who suffer from cellulite on the buttocks and thighs, don't worry because there is an excellent, cheap and healthy way to regain smooth, firm and toned skin. Practice yoga for 20 minutes a day and say goodbye to cellulite.

It's yoga. In addition to being useful for relaxation, yoga has been proven to help fight cellulite. Studies at Harvard University have proven that yoga is the most effective way to improve lymph flow, eliminate toxins and reduce fluid retention in the body.

Yoga brings increased flexibility, the skin becomes more elastic and radiant, muscles are defined and enlarged, and all this is reflected in the general condition of the body, which really becomes younger and more vital. In addition, yoga improves the entire musculature of the body and strengthens the immune system.


If the way of eating also changes - throw out sugar and all refined products and try to eat in the healthiest and most natural way possible, which includes fresh fruits and vegetables without too many spices, seeds and nuts, fresh low-fat cheeses and with detoxification, improved health and beauty of the body will actually become a mirror of inner purity and peace.

Out of several yoga poses that are good for melting away cellulite, here is one that is the most effective.

BKTV news - Practice yoga 20 minutes a day and say goodbye to cellulite - Pixabay
BKTV news - Do yoga for 20 minutes a day and say goodbye to cellulite - Pixabay

Take a narrow gap stance. Put your hands on your hips, bend your right leg at the knee and lift it up. With light movements, push the heel towards the back twenty times. When you finish lifting your heel up, grasp your right ankle with your right hand. Pull the leg up as much as possible, simultaneously raising the upper leg to the body and the left arm in the air. Stay in that position for about twenty seconds, taking care to breathe properly. Deep rhythmic breathing while performing the position promotes hormonal balance and brings a greater amount of oxygen to the body, which is necessary in the fight against fat burning. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Practice this exercise for about 20 minutes every day, in order to visibly improve your condition. If you can't do it every day, exercise at least 20 minutes three times a week. You can also combine it with other yoga poses.

For the best effect, combine running and strength exercises (best squats and lunges) with yoga. If you have time, include a short self-massage of the critical areas dry (dry brush or terry cloth) or with your favorite oil or cream.

You must do the exercise as calmly, slowly and controlled as possible. The results are visible already in a month.

Source: BKTVnews.com

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