Prema (Actionable Analytics for the Web) Certified Metrics ranking sistemu, portal Recepti & Kuvar ( je svrstan u 2000 najposećenijih sajtova u Srbiji.

Kompletne dostupne Alexa Certified Metrics statistike o portalu Recepti & Kuvar, možete pogledati ovde.

Ukratko o
Information. Insight. Advantage.
Information is power – if you have the right tools. Alexa’s suite of intuitive analytics products transforms data into meaningful insights that lead to competitive advantage for your company. At Alexa, we focus exclusively on delivering the richest and most meaningful analytics tools for our customers. Our obsession is to empower customers through compelling and actionable insights that drive measurable results for their business. At Alexa, we believe strongly in substance over style, which means you can count on getting the exact insights you need without having to navigate through extraneous content to get the information you need right now. Founded in 1996, Alexa is a global pioneer in the world of analytical insight. Our vast experience means we’ve dealt with all of the pitfalls and tripped over all of the landmines, and over time, developed the most robust and accurate web analytics service of any provider.
Pročitajte još:
Ukoliko vas interesuju svi naši recepti, kliknite na link: RECEPTI. Zbirke najboljih recepata naših saradnika nalaze se u sekciji kuvar, ukoliko želite više da pročitate, klikinte na link: KUVAR. Ukoliko želite da pogledate našu naslovnu stranu, kliknite na link: RECEPTI I KUVAR ONLINE homepage. Ukoliko želite da pogledate sve tekstove iz kategorije Vesti, kliknite na link: VESTI.
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